
Saturday, March 20, 2010


Valentines Day Special to discover ‘What is TRUE LOVE?

There are several traditions that speak of the origin and development of this celebration. This celebration is attributed to a church bishop who was martyred in 270 AD for conducting secret wedding ceremonies in days where the emperor had banned marriages in order to recruit soldiers for his army. Some traditions say that Bishop Valentine and the jailer’s daughter had developed a deep friendship during his imprisonment prior to his execution. Before he was executed, he asked for a pen and a paper from his jailer. He wrote a farewell message on the paper and signed, “From Your Valentine”, which had later become a popularly used phrase during this season.

Originally, the Romans celebrated a fertility festival during this season, which involved rituals like young women crowding the streets to be touched by the thongs of the goatskin the young men of noble birth wore and ran on the streets. They believed that this act would make them better able to bear children.

In the recent years, Valentine’s Day has become a very popular celebration through out the world. A study by U.S. Greeting Card Association concludes that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide. This definitely makes the business community richer a the whole month of February is now considered to be a season of expressing love to one another and, it has got many modern practices that are based on such ancient heathen rituals as mentioned in the earlier paragraph.

Now, the question to consider is “what is the true meaning of love?”


Song of Solomon 4:10 says, “How delightful is your love, how much more pleasing is your love than wine.” Love brings joy to one’s heart. Someone described love as the language of heart. It is a beautiful feeling of the heart. Apostle Paul said, “If I speak in the language of men and of angels and I don’t speak or understand the language of heart (love), it brings no benefit” (paraphrased).

Love is not a hobby; it is a heart-beat. When you are in love or loved, everything around you looks beautiful. It gives you the energy and motivates you to do the hardest things. We were once told by a guest speaker at our church that during her ministry to the HIV affected infants, she made it sure that the babies were being cuddled and held with love along with other medical care. This resulted in the infants surviving in difficult conditions and lived longer years than medically expected. Hence, love is a beautiful feeling that empowers a person.


While love is a beautiful feeling, it is not perfect in itself because, feelings change depending on the circumstances you are facing. Love grows into the next level, as it should be, when you consider it as a strong decision. Only then,” Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away,” as Song of Solomon 8:7 says. Love is far beyond just a feeling; it is a strong decision that nothing can quench it.

Likes and dislikes may change, but love never changes, because you have decided to do so. The Bible says “Love is patient and kind”, which means, it has to do with your decision. True love cannot be busted by people, circumstances or misunderstandings. It is a strong decision that no one or nothing can shake.


Rick Warren, in his book, “The Purpose Driven Life” mentions that the purpose of the Creation is the expression of God’s love. I have heard some people say, “But Vicky (me), I cannot love this person. He or she simply does not deserve to be loved”, but we need to understand that God is love and He is the source of love. In fact, He had set an example by expressing His love in giving us Christ Jesus, His dear Son, to take the punishment for our sins. This is the expression of love in action. We did not deserve to be loved, yet, God loved us. All our religiosity, piety and knowledge cannot match up to a heart that expresses love in action. The Bible says, “Love is kind”, and kindness is what everyone needs at the time of failure. Kindness gives a second chance when you have lost trust. Therefore, love is not a statement, but an action. True love cannot be limited words, but it is expressed in action.


When your relationship with people close to your heart gets on the rough roads your commitment comes to your rescue. You will have to remember that love is not just a great feeling or a temporary expression, but it is also a commitment that remains forever and in all times-even though your relationship gets tough to handle. It is a lasting commitment and a lasting impression of the heart. It is a deliberate choice you make to keep going even when you are hurt. Love does not fail and it has no end. When you are committed to love, you have no regrets, because you chose to do so. The Bible says, “Love always hopes”. This hope you have will help you keep on committed. And this commitment remains through one’s life.

It is good to remember Bishop Valentine during this season. But we need to give a careful thought to what we may tend to turn this celebration into.

We need to know that the expression of love should not be seasonal; rather it should be done always. Everyday is an opportunity for us to express love to all, irrespective of what they are and what they have. This is ideal, God-centered and godly love. This love does not come from anywhere but God, because He is the source of true love.

We are living in a day where the word “love” is greatly misunderstood. It is high time to get back to God, who is the source of love, to learn from Him what it actually means.

Apostle Paul said, “Love is the most excellent way.” So, let’s love- always and all people with a genuine expression in ACTION.

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